Category: DCT Mobile Solutions

The Ultimate Gamer Debate

Now, for a little fun…people in the technology industry often have a love of “techie” gadgets and gizmos that extends beyond their 9-5 jobs. We might have the newest smartphone, the coolest new apps on our tablets, or the latest gaming system. Even if you don’t consider yourself a “gamer,” today’s gaming systems should appeal […]

“Big Data” Doesn’t Have to Be a Big Headache

“Big data”–route speed, fuel usage, delivery time, mileage, etc.–is increasingly important, and more difficult than ever to analyze on paper, in the field service industry. Improvements in these areas can mean higher profits, lower overhead costs, and increased customer satisfaction. But the time commitment and level of difficulty involved in analyzing this data can create a logistical nightmare for […]

“OK Glass, Violate My Privacy.”

The release of the first round of Google’s wearable computer, Google Glass, is causing quite a stir. While I haven’t encountered anyone wearing them (nor do I know anyone who has), the wearers are out there, and they are seeing the world much differently than you or I. Joanna Stern, Tech Editor for ABC News, […]

To Be (Rugged) Or Not To Be…

Our clients often wonder whether it is necessary to take on the (often) added expense of using ruggedized mobile business devices over consumer-grade ones. DCT clients aren’t the only ones asking this question. In a world where technologically advanced smartphones can be purchased on the cheap, it is becoming increasingly important that businesses weigh the costs (literally and […]