A first look at the Motorola MC67 and TC55 and the Intermec CN51 In November of 2012, I sat in a meeting room in Chicago with some of the brightest minds from the leading companies in the bar code, data collection, and field mobility industries. The event was an executive summit organized by the market […]
C# Comes to Smart Phones?
Recent rumors of a Microsoft investment of an acquisition of Xamarin has our development staff giddy at the thought of creating native code for IOS and Android in the familiar IDE of Visual Studio. We actually started our R&D into developing software for iPad with Xamarin’s predecessor Mono in late 2010. At that time, the code produced by […]
Is the iPad Suffering from Shrinkage?
iPad sales are shrinking and that is big news in the world of tech pundits. If you want more of the dirty details you can find it here, here or here if you like your news with an Apple-Centric spin. I particularly like the Apple-Centric article because it explains all of the opportunities Apple missed because they were too busy racing with […]
And… We’re Back!
Welcome to the most recent reboot of our Blog Site. We attack this project with fits and starts it seems. There are a number of reasons that we have lacked consistency in producing this site. Primarily, it has been an issue of quality. We have always felt that sending out a collection of warmed over […]
Back to the Future?
Last week’s announcement that Zebra Technologies had agreed to purchase the Motorola Solutions Enterprise Business was greeted by nearly everyone in the industry as a positive. Under Motorola’s leadership, the former “Symbol Technologies” business of scanners and handhelds had grown increasingly stale. Most surprising to industry old timers like myself, was market share gain in retail point […]
It’s a Boy!
Gaurav Borkar and his wife Rashmi welcomed their son, Shlok on Wednesday, April 9th. Gaurav is a developer for DCT located outside of Mumbai, India. Congratulations!
What’s New in Scout: Software Enhancements for Route Sales
Route sales and DSD are perhaps the oldest “mobile computing” application in use since the 80’s. Way back when, DCT created its first “outside the four walls” system for Paris Brothers Distributing. It included a pocket PC made by Symbol and a custom-built cable that connected to a Sprint cell phone to enable order processing […]
Can Microsoft Boost Sales of the Surface?
Although Microsoft has attempted to stay mum on sales figures of their tablet, the Surface, it is no secret that the numbers haven’t been strong. The IDC recentlyreleased datasuggesting that sales of the Surface didn’t even reach the one million mark in the first quarter of 2013. Microsoft had undoubtedly hoped that the Surface would […]
Bluetooth Scanners-Scan Me Hands-Free!
The new generation of low cost smart phones and tablets opens up a wide variety of new business opportunities for route sales and DSD companies. However, while running a direct store delivery program on an Android-based device is easy to understand and train, barcode scanning is a challenge, to say the least. Cameras don’t work well […]
Rotten Apple?
Years ago, Apple revamped and positioned itself as the “trendy” name in the world of mobile communication and computing. It has held a top market spot for years, but that could all be changing very soon for several reasons. One reason why Apple could be on its way down? According to the latest IDC report, […]